Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 420
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Page content
116 INDEX page Residence of Students- In Private Families 251 Residence of Pupils of School 221 Scholars Names of- Worsley Foundation S5 Department of General Lite- rature and Science 85 Dep of the Applied Sciences 111 Warneford Foundation 168 Medical Department 169 School 232 Scholarships Regulations for- Worsley "6 History 78 Divinity 79 Department of General Lite- rature and Science 80 Department of the Applied Sciences 105 Warneford 146 Medical Department 152 Daniell Scholarship 155 The School 226 School King's College- Masters' Names 210 Division of Classics 211 Div of Modern Instruction 212 Math and Arith Course 215 Extra Instruction 216 Rules as to Admission 217 Hours of Attendance 217 Dining Hall &c 218 Vacations and Examinations 218 Fees 219 Books 220 Residence of Pupils 221 Prizes 222 Scholarships Rules of 226 Subjects 1856 229 Choral Exhibitioners 231 Scholars Names of 232 Prizemen 1855 235 Names of Pupils 239 Schools in Union- Regulations and Privileges 310 Names of Schools 312 Prizemen 1855 312 Shares former Holders of 283 page Society of Apothecaries- Rules of 185 Spanish-Fees 73 Stephen Endowment 77 Subject for Prize 1856 83 Students' Boxes for Gowns Stc 253 Surgery- Lectures 119 Fees 139 Hours H2 Theological Department- Professors' Names 51 Instruction given 51 Class of Persons Admitted 52 Regulations for Admittance 53 Period of Study 54 General Rules 54 Examinations Certificates 55 Fees 56 Hours of Attendance 58 Associateship 59 Class of Candidates for Ad- mission 59 Residence in College 60 Names of those who have passed in 1854-5 63 Names of Students 64 Names of Candidates 65 United Debating Society 84 University of London-Rules 177 University of Edinburgh-Rules 179 University Distinctions- Oxford 257 Cambridge 259 London 263 Vocal Music- Fees 57 Hours of Attendance 58 Warneford Prize Endowment 145 List of Prizemen 167 Warneford Scholarship Endow 146 List of Scholars 168 Workshop- Instruction given 98 Fees 103 Hours 99 Worsley Endowment 76 List of Scholars 85
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