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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1855-1856-416

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Page content

INDEX page Anatomy- Lectures 116 Fees 139 Hours of Attendance 142 Annual Report 1855 34 Applied Sciences Department- Professors' Names 93 Instruction given 92-99 Regulations respecting Stu- dents 100 Associateship Rules for the 102 Fees 103 Hours of Attendance 104 Scholarships Rules for 105 Subjects for 1856 107 Prizes 109 Certificates of Approval and Honour 109 Scholars'Names Ill Prizemen for 1855 112 Names of Students 114 Arabic- Fees 73 Hours of Attendance 74 Army Medical Service 188 Arts of Construction- Lectures 93 Fees 103 Hours of Attendance 104 Associates Piivileges of 271 Names of 271 Assoeiateship Rules for the- Theological Department 59 Department of General Lite- rature and Science 72 Department of the Applied Sciences 102 page Associateship Rules for the- Medical Department 143 Military Department 197 Civil Service Department 206 Auditors for 1855 19 Bequest Form of 50 Books by Professors &c 417 Book-keeping- Lectures 203 Fees 207 Hours 209 Botany- Lectures 120 Fees 139 Hours of Attendance 142 Candidates Class of Theological 59 Chemical Laboratory 132 Chemistry 1'ractical- Instruction given 97 121 Fees 103 139 Hours of Attendance 142 Chemistry- Department of Applied Sci- ences Lectures 96 Fees 103 Hours of Attendance 104 Medical Depart Lectures 118 Fees 139 Hours of Attendance 142 Chemistry Analytical &c Instruction given 122 Fees 139 Chemistry Pathological 133 Chinese Professorship- Fees 73 Hours of Attendance 74
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