Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 413
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THE SCHOOL 00 Blows Autumn and his golden fruits away Then melts into the Spring soft Spring with breath Favonian from warm chambers of the south Recals the first All to re-flourish fades As in wheel all sinks to re-ascend Emblems of man who passe3 not expires VIII -£0 he tui-ηΛ into tfn-ccft Rambus who on shipboard lived from earliest youth Could represent the countenance horrible Of the vex'd waters and the indignant rage Of Auster and Bootes Fifty years Over the well-steer'd galleys did rule From huge Pelorus to the Atlantic pillars Rises no mountain to mine eyes unknown And the broad gplfs traversed oft and oft Of every cloud which in the heavens might stir knew the force and hence the rough sea's pride Avail'd not to my vessel's overthrow What noble pomp and frequent have not On regal decks beheld yet in the end learn'd that one poor moment can suffice To equalise the lofty and the low We sail the sea of life-a calm one finds And one tempest-and the voyage o'er Death is the quiet haven of us all FIRST CLASS MATHEMATICAL SCHOLARSHIP £ttclfa antf Cntjonomftin II -Algebra The questions upon these subjects were the same as those set for the Junior Mathematical Scholarship in the Department of General Literature and Science
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