Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 404
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400 THE SCHOOL counted for What period is comprised in the entire work What in the third decade To what author is Livy indebted in that portion of his work At what period did that writer flourish What character does Livy bear for diligence accuracy and fairness as an historian Of what sources could he avail him- self for the early periods of Roman history How can we gather from internal evidence the epochs when different portions were composed and published What is the meaning of the name Hannibal What character does Livy give of that Commander Whom did he succeed in the command of the army At what age What brought on the second Punic War In what light has Arnold remarked that we must regard that contest What was the force with which Hannibal crossed the Iberus With what did he descend into the plains of the Po Trace his route How long was he in crossing the Alps State the geographical position of Saguntum Give the modern name How long did the siege occupy What account does Livy give of the origin of that place Specify the successive victories of Hannibal and the com- manders whom he defeated What towns in Italy did he master What event was the turning point in his career Quote from an Ode of Horace in allusion to it Give the geographical position of Carthage What is the Greek name What dates have been assigned to its foundation What was the form of its constitution What ancient and modern state did it resemble What factions were there in the city at the breaking out of the war When and by whom was it destroyed 10 State the position of Massilia its modern name the date and history of its foundation on whose authority does this rest Quote an allusion to it from Horace 11 Geographical positions and modern names of -agates Insuhe Baleares Eryx Gades Ruscino Tarentum Carthago Nova Placentia Mutina Genua P1sa Ariminuin Lilybumm 12 Translate Haud longis iude temporibus dum intolerahilia frigora erant
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