Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 39
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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1855 35 38G 91 433 Total 910 The Theological Department has sent forth since the issue of the last Report 24 Certificated Students qualified to receive Holy Orders making in all 160 in the course of seven years while the total number of entrances during the year has been 46 This will serve to show that the supply of Students is more than sufficient to keep up the sue- cession and that the advantages of the training provided in this Department are becoming more generally known and appreciated No material change has taken place in the course of studies laid down in 1846 except that greater prominence is now given to the Evidences of Religion with view of providing against the alarming increase of infidelity which merely secular civilization has no less than total ig norance so strong tendency to develop The conduct of the Students has been for the most part such as might be ex- pected from those who are earnestly devoting themselves to the purpose of serving God in the ministry of His Church The Principal is able to form more accurate estimate of the character of each individual in the Class in consequence of Matriculated Students י -Theological Department and Prepa ג ratorv Class ratory Class General Literature Department Applied Sciences do Military do Civil Service Commerce do Medical do 79 42 10 178 Occasional Students Medical Department 41 Other Departments 50 The School Division 292 Β 141
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