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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1855-1856-387

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WARN I-FORD SCHOLARSHIPS 383 Flammarum longos tergo albescere tractus Saepe levem paleam et frondes volitare caducas Aut sum ma nantes in aqua colludere plumas At Boreae de parte trucis quum fulminat et quum Eurique Zephyrique tonat domus omnia plenis Rura natant fossis atque omnis navita ponto Humida vela legit Nunquam imprudentibus imber Obfuit Aut ilium surgentem vallibus imis Aeriac fugere grues aut bucula caelum Suspiciens patulis captavit naribus auras Aut arguta lacus circumvolitavit hirundo Et veterem in limo ran03 cecinere querelam Saepius et tectis penetralibus extulit ova Angustum formica terens iter et bibit ingensf Arcus et pastu decedens agmine magno Corvorum increpuit densis exercitus alis Jam varias pelagi volucres et quae Asia circum Dulcibus in stagnis rimantur prata Caystri Certatim largos humeris infundere rores Nunc caput objectare fretis nunc currere in undas Et studio incassum videas gestire lavandi Turn comix plena pluviain vocat improba voce Et sola in sicca secum spatiatur arena Ne nocturna quidem carpentes pensa puellae Nescivere hiemem testa quum ardente viderent Scintillare oleum et putres concrescere fungos Parse the first four lines Give examples of the terminations of Adjectives in and explain the force of these terminations The difference of these words pontus mare oceanus pelagus Pastu-from what are Nouns of the Fourth Declension in general derived What is the rule for their genders The difference of vet us antiquus longcevus The present perfect and supines of extulit soleo suffero tero Certatim-give other instances of Adverbs with this termi- nation and explain the force of it
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