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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1855-1856-384

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380 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS of the Romish Church Are you acquainted with any other theory What truths are involved in our belief in the Holy Catholic Church What practical duties rest upon those truths Answer in the words of the Catechism the questions What desirest thou of God in this prayer What is required of persons to be baptized What is required of them who come to the Lord's Supper IV -fHtcjnct's &tĀ£Ston of ti dfrnul liUbohitton Describe briefly the course of events from the opening of the States General to the taking of the Bastille What was the financial state of the country during the Revolution Sketch out the events which occurred to the Royal Family of France from the flight to Varennes to the end of the Revo- lution What was the political creed of the Girondius" and that of the "Montagnards What is the origin of those names Describe that period called "the reign of terror and men- tion the leading men who contributed most by their conduct to justify the name given to that period Translate La revolution fran aise qui avait detruit l'ancien gouverne- ment et bouleverso de fond en comble l'ancienne soeiete avait deux huts bien distincts celui d'une constitution libre et celui d'une civilisation plus perfectionee Les privilegies voulurent etablir leur regime contre la cour et contre la bourgeoisie par le maintien des ordres et des etats generaux la bourgeoisie voulut etablir le sien contre les privilegies et contre la multitude par le code de 1791 et la multitude voulut etablir le sien contre tout 18 monde par la constitution de 1793 Conjugate the Preterit Imperative and Subjunctive Present of the verbs dctruit cotdureut etablir found in the above passage Translate the following passage into French
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