Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 380
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376 APPLIED SCIENCES Give the composition of Cane Sugar What is the changt which occurs when it is fermented Explain the conversion of Alcohol into Vinegar -iHcrijantrsi Describe the principal properties of matter and state some facts relative to the change of form which is induced by the action of heat or pressure State the law of Universal Gravitation What experiments have been made to ascertain the weight of the earth State and prove the principle of the Parallelogram of Forces Two small rings slide on the arc of smooth vertical circle string passes through both rings and has three equal weights attached to it one at each end and one between the rings find the position of the rings when they are in equi- librium table rests upon three props the centre of gravity of the table coincides with that of the space included between lines joining the props The weight of the table being 90 lbs determine how far weight of 30 lbs may be placed on the table outside the limits of the triangle without upsetting the table Show how to estimate the stability and the sensibility of balance Ait endless screw drives wheel find the mechanical advantage State and explain the three laws of motion What is the dynamical statement of the principle of work Explain the action of fly-wheel 10 Prove the formula ta 11 draws up Ρ over fixed pulley after t" the string is cut find the time which will elapse before Ρ returns to its original position
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