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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1855-1856-374

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370 APPLIED SCIENCES How do you account for the formation of such rocks as Sandstones Conglomerates and Shales In what respect do Gneiss Mica-schist and Clay-slate resemble the rocks of No and in what manner do you gene- rally explain their present condition What are the constituent simple minerals of Syenite and how do you explain the formation of such rocks as Granite Syenite and Basalt Explain the difference between the planes of stratification or bedding and of cleavage What are faults how do you account for them and how do they increase the difficulty of judging the relative age of sue- cessive deposits How do you apply "organic remains to the determination of the age of mineral deposits What do you call the lowest known fossihferous formation by what peculiar family of fossils is it distinguished By what fossils would you know that you were below the Coal Formation and by what fossils would you know that you were above it in general way 10 State the practical importance of knowledge of Geology to the Engineer Builder Miner and to the Soldier as regards the search for water III -C&emtsKrii Enumerate the principal gases which have been reduced to the liquid form as well as those which have resisted all efforts to liquefy them Describe the general principle of the method employed State how Carbonic Acid is used for the purpose of obtaining intense cold What is the principle of Wollaston's Reflective Goniometer Enumerate and exemplify the six classes of Crystals and state the principle upon which the classification is founded Illustrate what is meant by Isomorphism distinguish be- tween the meaning of this term and Isomerism Give examples of the latter
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