Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 366
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362 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE pluperfect subjunctive and the imperfect when used for it-of ama and amato-of the future and the future perfect 10 What is the force of utique-quamvis-adeo-jam turn- quin-equidem-ultro-cum maxime-turn maxime 11 Give the interpretation of the six and twelve vultures seen by Romulus and Remus III -BusiSta unticr Mtv tfjc Grrcat From what great Russian family did Peter the Great spring At what period in Russian History was the first member of that family raised to the throne Give the date of Peter's birth and describe the series of events which brought him younger son to supreme power in Russia Describe the measures of internal policy taken by Peter after 1689 to convert Russia into an European rather than an Asiatic power Describe his journey of observation through Europe speci- lying the countries he visited and his mode of life while abroad What domestic event recalled him home State the steps lie took to prevent the recurrence of such events Describe the combination entered into by Russia Poland and Denmark against Sweden in the year 1699 Give an account of the hostilities which ensued and show how the sue- cesses gained by Charles XII in the earlier part of the war were lost by his rashness before it ended Give sketch of the wars between Russia and the Turks during the reign of Peter and show whether Russia lost or gained in the struggle Describe the domestic life of Peter mentioning his mar- riages and the fate of his children Give the year of Peter's death Show how Russia had thriven under his rule and state whether his choice of Petersburg as capital has been justified by time IV -CranSlattons The same pieces as for the Senior Scholarship
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