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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1855-1856-359

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Athens Give the dates of any remarkable pestilences in ancient and modern times 10 Trace the rise of the Athenian αρχη 11 Give short character of Pericles and compare those of Aristides and Themistocles 12 Contrast the characters governments and policy towards their allies of Athens and Sparta 13 The extent and sources of Athenian revenue at the com- mencement of the Peloponnesian War 14 Give an account of the affair at Pylos III -CIjc dFtft cntl Crnturi in £nglanu anlf jFraiuc Describe the parentage and early career of Henr Bolinbroke Duke of Lancaster-the causes which raised him to the English throne and the chief events of his reign Give character of Henry before and after his acces- sion and sketch of his campaigns and conquests in France Illustrate the barbarity with which political offences were punished in those times by the case of Sir Thomas Blount executed for treason at Oxford in the year 1400 and describe the policy pursued by Henry IV and his son to such of their subjects as professed new opinions in religion as shown by the cases of Sawtry and Sir John Oldcastle Write life and character of Joan of Arc and describe the series of events by which the conquests made by Henry in France were lost under his successor Give sketch of the great struggle called the Wars of the Roses mentioning the chief leaders on either side Mention the kings who successively sat on the throne of France during this century and describe the condition of that country on the accession of Louis XI Write lives and characters of Louis XI of France and Charles the Bold of Burgundy Show how the policy of the one was calculated to raise and of the other to depress their hereditary power and state if you can the remarkable judgment
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