Calendar: 1854-1855 Page 49
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47 Extracts from the Minutes of Meetings of the Council of King's College London held June 16 and July 14 1854 That every person presenting to King's College London the sum of £500 have the privilege of nominating during his or her life once in every three years free Student to the College or School subject to the following regulations That the nomination so given have the effect of making the nominee free to all the Classes forming the regular Matriculated-Studcnts' Course in any one Department of the College or School the nominee being at liberty to choose his Department on entering King's Col- lege hut only enjoying the benefits of free admission in that Department II That the free admission be applicable to no Student or Pupil under twelve years of age III That all Students or Pupils entering the College with free admission pay the usual Matriculation Fees and 5s every term as registra- tion fee that they produce to the Principal or Head-Master the same Testimonials as are required in the case of all other Students or Pupils and be subject in all respects to the same regulations and discipline That any person willing to contribute the sum of £500 but anxious to secure under all possible contingencies the privi- leges attaching to his gift may effect his object by transferring the power of granting free admissions to the Principal of the College for the time being with such limitations as to pre- ference for Founders' kin or for Students of any particular Department of the College as may in each case be agreed upon between the Council and the Donor In any such case as well as in the case of Corporate Bodies and Firms ten free nominations at intervals of three years one from the other will be allowed for each donation of £500 By order of the Council CUNNINGHAM Secretary
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