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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1854-1855-48

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46 annual report 182 meat of the grant of £5 000 to King's College Hospital which as beinir riven altogether with view to the benefit of the Medical Students of the College has been considered as part of the ordinary working expenses This payment therefore leaves deficit of £630 12$ Sd Under these circumstances the Council have felt it right to adopt two distinct measures for reducing their expenses viz that of calling on the Medical Professors to contribute more largely than hitherto out of their fees to the unavoidably heavy expenses of their Department and that of deducting per cent from the salaries and allowances of all the Officers and Teachers connected with the establishment However necessary these steps may have become it has not beeu without much pam that the Council have found themselves compelled to reduce the already small and in too many instance wholly insufficient salaries of those to whose zeal and devoteduess the College is so much indebted The Council would take this opportunity of again reminding the Court that the readiest way by which any person could assist them in the present emergency would be by providing endowments for those Scholarships and Prizes which are now necessarily pro- vided out of the ordinary funds The Council cannot conclude this Report without expressing the high sense they entertain of the valuable services of the Principal and of the ability discretion and temper with which he has discharged the important and difficult duties of his ollice On the whole retrospect of the past year the Council trust that the Court of Proprietors will participate in their feelings of devout thankfulness towards the Giver of all Good for the degree of prosperity which has thus far been vouchsafed to the College and in the earnest prayer that it will please Him hereafter to extend to it His protection in furtherance of its avowed object-the Glory of His name in the illustration and extension of the genuine principles which characterise sound Christian Education
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