Calendar: 1854-1855 Page 405
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THE SCHOOL 407 volitare per illos se plebi venditare donee collegae quoque qui unice 11 dediti fuerant ad id tempus coniecere in eum oculos inirantes quid sibi vellet Adparere nihil sinceri esse Profecto baud gratuitam in tanta superbia comitatem fore nimium in ordinem se ipsum cogere et vulgari cum privatis non tarn pre perantis abire magistratu quain viam ad continuandum magis- tratum quaerentis esse Propalam obviam ire cupiditati parum ausi obsecundando mollire inpetum adgrediuntur comitiorum ill habendorum quando minimus natu sit munus consensu injungunt For what purpose were Decemviri first appointed What led to the abolition of the office Explain in trinwn nundinum Derive nundinum What does cogere in ordinem properly mean 10 For what is Livy remarkable in the use of the infinitive mood and how may this use of it be explained 11 Explain iribunicios FIRST CLASS MATHEMATICAL SCHOLARSHIP Srttclttt Λΐίϋ rigononutn II -SIgrtra The questions upon these subjects were the same as those set for the Junior Mathematical Scholarship in the Department of General Literature and Science SECOND CLASS MATHEMATICAL SCHOLARSHIP -algebra Find the difference between the 24th part of mil and the 25th part of farthing
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