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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1854-1855-40

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3S λ ν χ λ report 18 welfare and efficiency of the College which they have βνβϊ manifested In consequence of the large number of Pupils attending French it has been determined to give Professor Brasstur the assistance of Lecturer in this Department and the Council are now engaged in selecting proper person to fill this appointment The Earl of Clarendon having kindly offered to place at the disposal of the College an appointment to the office of Supernumerary Chinese Interpreter at Hong Kong targe number of Students offered themselves for competition The successful competitor was Mr Robert Swinhoe of the De- partment of General Literature and Science but although the immediate benefit was of necessity confined to one continuous impulse has been communicated to many no less than nine Students from various departments having entered themselves for course of Lectures in Chinese As one of the objects contemplated by Her Majesty's Govern- ment in making this oiler was the encouragement of the study of that anomalous and difficult language the result is one of great public interest as well as highly gratifying in its bearing upon the character of the College-the only College in this country which has Professor of Chinese The endowment of this Professorship some years ago principally by the libe- rality and exertions of Sir George Thomas Staunton Bart Member of the Council has thus begun to bear fruit an earnest it may be hoped of still more important results when the multiplied and increasing relations of this country to China are taken into account The Rev Richard Jones having in consequence of the pressure of his official engagements resigned the office of Professor of Political Economy the Council have taken measures to appoint successor The Council regret to announce the death of the Rev Juan C'aideron Professor of Spanish Literature -this olliee also will be tilled up without delay Since this Report was presented Μ Alphouse Mariette has been elected to this office
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