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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1854-1855-393

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THE SCHOOL 395 Give brief outline of the life and character of Verres as deduced from these orations What is known of his subsequent historv When did Sicily become Roman province How long did Verres retain the government Account for this Why did the Sicilians appeal to Cicero What cities did not concur in the impeachment of Verres Why Explain the term Divinaiio and state the circumstances connected with that preliminary process What time was allowed Cicero for collecting evidence How long did he occupy What were the artifices of his op- ponents How did he defeat them Specify the dates and provisions of the Leges Calpumia Sempronia Servilia Aurelia Draw map of Sicily introducing the promontories and the chief places alluded to in the Orations Define the terms -cognilor quadruplator mancipes recu- pcraiores subscriptorcs rejectio judicum subsortitio prarogativa comperendinatio res repetundce peculatus majestas patronus advo- catus qucBstiones pcipetua impluvium 10 Compute giving the rule the amount of the sums specified in these passages Abs te Verres sestertiiim millies ex lege repeto Dicimus Verrem quadringenties sestertiiim ex Sicilia contra leges abstulisse 11 Translate Nunc ne novo querimoniic genere uti possit Hortensius et ea dicere opprimi reum de quo nihil dicat accusator nihil esse tarn periculosum fortunis innocentium quam tacere adver- sarios et ne aliter quam ego velim meum laudet ingenium cum dicat me si multa dixissem sublevaturum fuisse eum quern contra dicerem quia non dixerim perdidisse morem illi geram utar oratione perpetua non quoniam hoc sit necesse verum ut experiar utrum ille ferat molestius me tunc tacuisse an nunc dicere Hie tu fortasse eris diligens ne quam ego horam de meis legitimis horis remittam nisi onmi tempore quod mihi lege concessum est abusus ero querere deum atque hominum fidem implorabis circumveniri Verrem quod accusator nolit
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