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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1854-1855-227

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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THE SCHOOL 229 Division of Modern Division of Classics Instruction £t ron& Class Mich Term 1853 Harrison Frederick Fallen Henry 1854 מ Luff George Green Charles Term 1854 Tripp James Edwin Ritchie Henry pper Jf irst Class Mich Term 1853 Meyrick Lewis TVrw 1854 Carr Charles East Term 1854 Woodfall Francis lotorr first Class Mich Term 1853 Carr Charles Lent Term 1854 Woodfall Francis East Term 1854 Cuthbert Charles frriirij Perkins Henry ן ο י Soldi James Shippard Sydney Mich Term 1853 Brophy Charles Isaacson John Smith William Wallace Low John Edward Murdoch Charles Jones Frederick Grave Fletcher Kracutler William rr ו to ז laylor alter Lambert Ilcnrv -Pratt James Moore Townsend 18r4 ac son Rl u1field Low JohnEdward Eas am Harrison Frederick ν Woodfall Francis ffirrman Kemp Thomas Thaine Robert Mich Term 1853 Biota Hftrry Lent Term 1854 Levy Alexander Harrison Fran xoo' Soldi James 1ati Little Edgar II Coventry Millis fi rf ft 1854 oski Wm
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