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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1854-1855-140

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138 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT In October First half of the Medical Fees £32 First half of the Hospital Fees 15 15 Medical Tutor One Year Matriculation Fees 15 β 11 In January Second half of Medical Fees 32 Second half of Hospital Eees 15 15 47 15 Total amount necessary to defray the cost of Lectures -י required Mhe College of Surgeons and the Society of £103 Apothecaries and of the Medical Tutor for One Year XI Should any one prefer entering at once as perpetual Student to every Course of Instruction given in this Department except the Laboratories and the Courses of Logic and Natural Philosophy the charge ill be as follows In October First half of Medical Fees £37 16 First half of Hospital Fees 15 15 Medical Tutor One Year Matriculation 15 61 In January Second half of Medical Fees 37 16 Second half of Hospital Fees 15 15 11 53 Total amount necessary to defray the cost of entering as --- perpetual Student to every Course of Instruction given £115 in this Department except as above Or £2 12s 6d more including the Logic and Natural Philosophy Courses XII Arrangements have been made for apprenticing upon moderate terms such Students as maybe intended for General Practice to λΐεη τ of the Society of Apothecaries resident within convenient distance of the College and for affording the requisite instruction in Practical Pharmacy XIII Medical officers of the Army and Navy both in the Queen's service and in that of the East India Company are admitted gratuitously to the Hospital and to all the Lectures delivered in the Medical Department upon hrinyiny recommen- daiion from the heads of their respective departments Students of the Royal Academy are admitted gratuitously to the Lectures on Anatomy upon bringing recommendation from member or from an Associate of the Academy
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