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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1853-1854-47

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ANNUAL REPORT 1853 Institution without calling on the Court to join with them ill the expression of feeling which that event called forth not from their fellow-subjects only and from their common Sovereign but from foreign monarchs and from foreign nations-a feeling in which all differences of opinion have been merged in one deep sentiment of universal respect in manner and to degree unprecedented in the history of the civilized world The Council feel especially bound to remember the services which the Duke of Wellington rendered to this College by presiding at its foundation and continuing to it for twenty-two years as one of its Life-Governors the sane- tion of his name and the honour of his patronage His Grace the Visitor has appointed the Right Hon the Earl of Ilarrowby to the office of Life-Governor and the Court will be this day moved to elect the Right Hon Lord Calthorpe to the vacancy thus occasioned in the Council The Court will hear with satisfaction that the Council have added the names of Dr Robert Bentley Todd and David Thomas Ansted Esq to the distinguished list of Honorary Fellows of the College list of the various donations made this year to the Libraries and Museums will be found appended The very valuable collection of Osteological Specimens mentioned last year as having been presented by Messrs John Cremer Bellamy and Peter Frankin Bellamy of Plymouth has been since received and unpacked and the Professor of Compa- rative Anatomy reports in very strong terms of the value of these specimens The Council have engaged that this Collec- tion shall be preserved entire and unbroken in connexion with the names of the donors The accounts of the past year will as usual be laid before the Court to-day and the Council much wish that the con- gratulations which they have been enabled to offer freely with respect to the entire system of Education pursued in the College could be extended also to its financial position The income for the year has however little more than sufficed to cover the necessary current expenditure and even this result has not been brought about without the knocking off or reduction
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