Calendar: 1853-1854 Page 353
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WARNFFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 319 $urgnnb xtti ca nid rceiter Sorb eg f&nttt' ιιφ rcuen 3L crticf id metneS crrn gercd te frafynen Sub auf iiicin £aupt ben 9iamen be3 $etratf et3 Unt 0n beni Sftembttttg folci $u ertraqen $Ba3 ti id fyier unb fed tc gegen ftranf'reid SScnn id bent Unbanf&aten bienen foil Θο mill id nicincni angefcorncn Jibing Talbot 3i ftefyt in Untet anbfang ntit bem Φαιι ϊη 2Btr miffen'3 bocf mir mevben iittcl fmben UnS &or 33cvratt $u fd ufccn s3urgunb $ob unb £Me SBegegnet man inir atUIon Vaf meine SO61 fcr ftd junt 3luf6rud riiften 5Biv gefy'n in nnfer 8anb juriicf tyatitfcm gci 06 Lionel GHittf auf ben $Bcg iie mat ber Shtfym bc3 Written gtanjenbet 1ills ba er fetneni guten 6d crt aflein 33etttauenb efync £ eifcv3t clfer fod So famvfe Sebet feme 8d ad attein enn emig Meifct eg mal frvanjbftfd '3Iut Unb Snglifdj fann ftd tebltd nie wrmifefyen State the points in which Schiller has departed from history in his representation of the characters and events in his lay State what part of the verb is zerstreut in and what word has been omitted in the same line adding the circumstances in which such an omission is legitimate Why is the nominative after the verb in and the verb at the end in 71 Translate into German the following sentences all the words of which are to be found in the piece to be translated into English but use neither dictionary nor grammar If could imagine that the enemy might not venture on surprise we should need no precaution console myself since we have not been conquered by human beings Superstition conquered the French before Orleans Fear was
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