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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1853-1854-342

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338 APFLIED SCIENCES In what formation is Salt found in England Describe the Physical and Chemical characters of Corundum Give the crystalline form hardness specific gravity and chemical composition of the Diamond How can you distinguish Copper Pyrites from Iron Pyrites 10 What minerals represent the scale of hardness III -£i ntetn What are the chief sources of inaccuracy in estimating temperatures by the Thermometer By what general facts is the theory of Latent Heat supported and illustrated Give by examples the difference between Diaphanous and Diathermanous bodies Give an outline of Melloni's method of measuring differ- ences in degrees of diathermancy What is meant by Electrical Induction Trace its effects in any instance that occurs to you Explain the Unit Jar and the mode of using it What is the difference between Simple and Compound Voltaic Circuit and their relative advantages and uses Describe the Astatic Galvanometer and mention the points which chiefly influence its delicacy Describe the effects of Electrolytic Action upon solution of Sulphate of Soda and upon Chloride of Lead Point out the cause of the difference in the results IV -Ci nm $tn What gas most resembles Oxygen in its properties How may they be distinguished Mention two of the methods of preparing Oxygen and give the changes in symbols What does the theory of Ammonium chiefly rest upon Develop the application of this theory to the Salts of Ammonia
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