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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1853-1854-308

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Μ THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT auctoritas qui jam per omnes peritiores Ecclesias tanta prae- sentia Sancti Spiritus interpretati esse diur ut 03 unum tot hominum fuerit Qui si ut fertur multique non indigni tide praedicant singuli cellis etiam singulis separati cum interpretati essent nihil in alicujus eorum codice inventum est quod non iisdem verbis eodemque verborum ordine inveniretur in ceteris quis huic auctoritati conferre aliquid nedum praeferre audeat Si autem contulerunt ut una omnium communi tractatu judicio- que vox fieret nec sic quidem quemquam unum hominem qualihet peritia ad emendandum tot seniorum doctorumque consensum adspirare oportet aut decet Quamobrem etiamsi aliquid aliter in Ilebraeis exemplaribus invenitur quam isti posuerunt cedendum esse arhitror divinae dispensation quae per eos facta est ut libri quos gens Judaea ceteris populis vel religione vel invidia prodere nolebat credituris per Dominum gentihus minisira regis Ptoloma potestate tan to ante prode- rentur Itaque fieri potest ut sic illi interpretati sint quemad- modum congruere gentibus ille qui eos agebat et qui unum 03 omnibus fecerat Spiritus Sanctus judicavit To he translated into Latin But now as concerning those persons which peradventure will be offended for that some of the old ceremonies are retained still If they consider that without some ceremonies it is not possible to keep any order or quiet discipline in the Church they shall easily perceive just cause to reform their judgments And if they think much that any of the old do remain and would rather have all devised anew then such men granting some ceremonies convenient to be had surely where the old may be well used there they cannot reasonably reprove the old only for their age without bewraying of their own fully For in such case they ought rather to have reverence unto them for their antiquity if they will declare themselves to be more studious of unity and concord than of innovations and new-fangleness which as much as may be with true setting forth of Christ's religion IB always to be eschewed Furthermore such shall have no just cause with the ceremonies reserved to he offended For as those taken away which were most abused and did burden men's
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