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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1853-1854-305

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 303 VII -Ci frosipcl of &t iHatti du luttlj DaralUla from ot tv &0&pcU What fearful fulfilment did the words of our Lord Matt xii 43-45 find in the history of the Jewish people When our Lord said to Peter Get thee behind me Satan did he intend to call Peter Satan If not what is the exact force of the words Show that the promises addressed to Peter Matt xvi 18 19 are elsewhere made common to all the Apostles When our Lord says John xviii 36 "Then would my servants fight whom does He mean by His servants and what is the force of the words My kingdom is not from hence "' Give some account of the words imovaios Matt vi 11 fiurroXoyuv vi πνγμη Mark vii and the derivation of αθώος Matt xxvii 24 αιγιαλός xiii άξίνη iii 10 λαξΐυτυς Luke xiii 53 In the history of our Lord's Temptation bring out the force of the forty days as the duration of it of the desert as the place of it of the three assaults of Satan which made it up of the Words for season with which St Luke concludes it Put the words of our Lord Matt ii 11 This is Elias which was for to come in harmony with John 21 In what relation did the Baptism of John and that of Christ stand to one another Have any affirmed them identical Ought we to consider them so VIII ptstlcss to ti alattang anil $l tltppians What peculiar prerogatives as against the Judaizing false teachers does St Paul claim for himself severally in the facts that he was circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law Pharisee Phil iii Give the most probable explanation of the words-σύζυγβ γΡη&Ιί Phil IV
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