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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1853-1854-303

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theological department 301 Give the derivations of ייששמ ΌΏ 12ינחש נזר ירחם שע ירכב שפיפון Give the cognate stem-words of ך QJ PPp 00יש anc European words derived from ΠϊΌ יפרח נבע ישד ימררa הר Give examples of the various classes of verbs occurring in these verses Point out those cases where two translations or construe- tions are possible and show which is best Translate into Hebrew and point Apparui in rubo inquit et Mosem alloquutus sum quum mei servirent in iEgypto eoque misso meos ex JEgyptQ eduxi et eum adductum in montem Sinam multos dies apud me detinui eique multa narravi mirabilia et temporum arcana ac fin em ostendi praecepique quas res palam faceret quas contra eelaret Nunc te moneo ut quae signa ego demonstravi qua tu somnia vidisti quasque audiisti interprelationes in mcnte reponas tua £cclc£tas'ttcal &fetor1 Explain the positions of St James St Peter St Paul and St John in the Church of the First Century Why is that to be regarded as an intermediate period between the old and new world Give the names of the principal Apostolical Fathers and any particulars of their lives Who were the Apologists of the Second Century Enumerate the most important Churches in the Third Century with the persons and events that most signalized them Mention the leading Emperors of the Fourth Century and show how they were respectively affected to Christianity or Paganism to Orthodoxy or Arianism Give some particulars of the lives of Augustine Chrysostom Cyril of Alexandria Nestorius
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