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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1853-1854-270

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42C8 DONORS OF THE FIRST CLASS £ Morris Rev John Elstree Ill Murray Rt Rev Dr Lord Rishop of Rochester 100 Nash John Esq 14 Regent-street 100 Natt Ree Jonn Vicur of St Sepulchre's 100 Nelson Rt Hon and Rev the Earl 100' Nicholl Rt Hon Sir John 160 Normanton the Earl of Seamore-place Curzon-street 100 Norris Rev Η Prebendary of St Paul's Hackney 200 Norris Rev Charles Prebendary of Canterbury 100 Northumberland Hugh Duke of 1100 Olive Rev John York-terrace Regent's-park in right of 200 presented by the late Jeremiah Olive Esq Ormes William Esq York-place Brighton 100 Park Hon Mr Justice 32 Bedford-square 110 Parker Charles Esq 41 Upper Bedford-place 100 Partis Mrs Ann Bath 500 Patteson the Right Hon Sir John Fenton Court Honiton 221 Peel Right Hon Sir Robert Bart Whitehall-gardens 300 Pennant Esq 56 Portland-place 120 Perceval Hon and Rev Α Little Brooham Leatherhead 100 Percy Hon and Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Carlisle 200 Perkins Fred Esq Southwark 105 Petit Louis Esq New-square Lincoln's-inn 110 Plumer Rev Norton Stockton-on-Tees 100 Pocock Esq Chester Terrace Regent's Park 100 Pollen Mrs Boileau Pollen in right of 100 presented by John Peter Boileau Esq deceased Pollock Rt Hon Sir Queen-square House Guildford street 100 Porcher Henry Esq Park-comer Hartford Rridge 200 Porter Thomas Esq Leylield Lndge Liverpool 100 Portland His Grace the Duke of Cavendish-square 100 Powell John Esq St Helen's-place 120 Powis Edward Earl of 200 Powles Esq York-place Portman-square 100 Pownall Sir George 100 Poynder Thomas Esq Clapham Surrey 110 Praed Wm Tyrinyhum Esq 35 St James's-place 110 Preston Thomas Esq 110 Preston Mrs Sewardstone Essex 100 Preston Rev Matthew Cheshunt 100 Proster Ven Archdeacon 22 Bruton-street 220 Pusey Philip Esq 41 Wilton-crescent 100 Radstock the Lord 26 Portland-place 105 Reay John Esq Wanstead 100 Reid Sir John Rae Bart 100 Renshaw James Esq Erith Kent 100 Richards Rev Dr St Marttn's-lane 300
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