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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1852-1853-375

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THE SCHOOL ϋπ yaiav αύτοφάνταισι ξυνψ- δα θεοθεν πιτνοΰντ επ δόμοις ΐχν- Flats οϊμοι τί δράσω πυΊ φύγω μητρδς χέρας Give the quantity of Αελιος δείλαιος Distinguish between που 7Γ0Ϊ and 7ra Ώοΐφνγω State Dawes's canon respecting the usage of inter- rogative articles with the Opt and Subjunctive 18 Write down the derivation and precise meaning of the fol- lowing words -δηχθείσα έξίασι εξιασι προσάντης πλημμελές βαλβϊς καταβαίνω αίάζειν φέρνη 19 Translate 1375 and 1076 Μη ού δήτ' επεϊ σφά$ τ δ' εγω θάψω χερϊ φερυυσ' ες'Ήρας τέμενος ακραίας θεού Give the derivation of ακραίας and quote the passage from Livy illustrating its meaning III -Ciaro ίίε ffictte To whom did Cicero address this treatise Where and under whom was the young man pursuing his studies at the time What reasons does Cicero assign for writing to him on this subject State the leading tenets of the Stoics Academics and Peripatetics To which sect did Cicero belong Was the hope of speedy interview with his son expressed at the conclusion of the treatise ever realized Translate Omnino qui reipublicae prsefuturi sunt duo Platonis praecepta teneant unum ut utilitatem civium sic tueantur ut quaecumque agunt ad earn referant obliti commodorum suorum alterum ut totum corpus rei publico curent ne dum partem aliquam tuen- tur reliquas deserant Ut enim tutela sic procuratio rei publicae ad utilitatem eorum qui commissi sunt non ad eorum quibus commissa est gerenda est Qui autem parti civium consulunt partem negligunt rem pertficiosissimam in civitatem induc seditionem atque discordiam ex quo evenit ut alii populares
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