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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1852-1853-348

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344 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT III -Cijemisitn How are the rays of light brought to focus by Concave Mirror By what characters is beam of Polarized light distinguished from common light How is pencil of solar light affected by transmission through triangular glass Prism Explain the construction of cell of Daniell's Battery What means have we of detecting feeble currents of Electricity What is the principle of Saxton's Magneto-Electric Machine Describe Liebig's mode of effecting the analysis of com- pound of Carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen What is the composition of Acetic Ether What connexion has it with ordinary Ether In what respects do the Ethers resemble Salts and in what marked respect do they differ from them What is the composition of Acetic Formic Oxalic and Lactic Acids Describe the principal methods of obtaining the Acetic Acid What are the proximate constituents of the Fats in general Explain their conversion into Soap by the Alkalies 10 What are the chemical characters of Fibrine and of Gela- tine Mention the chief products obtained from each by acting upon it with solution of Potash 11 How is Cholesterin recognised What is Taurin How is it obtained 12 State how you would proceed to examine the Urine for sugar for albumen and for phosphates IV cmi£ tr1 Describe the process of taking the Specific Gravity of solid and of gas If gas measures 45 cubic inches at 45 what will it measure at 70 the barometer standing at 29 in the first case and at 30 in the second
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