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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1852-1853-305

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 301 Ill verse explain the construction of שללן לך Give the derivations of לא "ΠΤ ΊΏ ל an difference between £פלי and β ϊϊ Ώ Explain the meaning of Π1Γ"Ρ ΠΤΠ hy parallel passages of the Old Testament In verse how is the ϊη Ό $Ώ t0 ta en State some of the peculiarities of style which prove that the same author wrote the former and the latter parts of the book What is the external evidence for the genuineness of the latter chapters Translate into Hebrew and point the following pas- sage Mundo autem condito homo factus est viro Adam mulieri Eva nomen fuit Sed constituti in paradiso cum interdictatn sibi arborem degustassent in nostram velut exules terrain ejecti sunt Deinde ex his Cain atque Abel nasc tur Sed Cain impius fratrem interemit Filium Enoch habuit quo primum civitas condita est auctoris nomine vocitata -CBfcIfsitasttfal tetorj Give St PauVs view of the constitution of the Christian Church from the 12th chapter of the Epistle to the Corinthians Why does our Prayer-Book in the services for Whitsuntide contrast that view with the account of the Tower of Babel in the 11th chapter of Genesis Illustrate the truth of that con- trast from Church History What indications were there in the 2nd century of ten- dency in the Bishop of Rome to claim an authority over other Bishops How do you explain that tendency Show why it affected the Church more powerfully after than before the fall of the Western Empire Explain the difference between the feelings of the Roman Emperors towards the Church in the 1st and 2nd centuries
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