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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1852-1853-298

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294 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Describe the preparations for the Reformation in the Four- teenth and Fifteenth Centuries Mention the countries in which the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century was effectual the countries in which it was successfully resisted the leading Eccle- siastical champions of it the influences which were most powerful against it Essay On the Rise of the different English Sects VI -introduction to φ $είυ Ccsltamcnt Show that St Mark was not an Epitoinizer of otlier Gospels that he had independent sources of infonnation of his own and illustrate by examples the graphic and picturesque character of his narration On the authority of what Apostles are the Gospels of St Mark and St Luke considered generally to rest Is this sup- position confirmed by any internal evidence Is James the son of Alphaeus the same as James the Lord's Brother and Bishop of Jerusalem What are the main argu- ments on either side of this question Where was Colosse What was the nature of the errors which were there bringing the truth into peril Distinguish between the following synonymes of the New Testament Ilapeais Rom iii 23 and αφίσις-αληθής and αληθινός- θεράπων and δοΰλοί-ayanav and φιλεΐν Explain the circumstances under which the Hellenistic dialect arose Who first gave it this name What was the contest between the Hebraists and Purists and who had the right
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