Calendar: 1852-1853 Page 294
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290 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Nec vestrum otium necessitatibus Ecclesia 'pra ponatis cui par- tuvienti si nulli boni ministrare vellent quoniodo nasceremini η on inveniretis Sicut autem inter ignem et aquam tenenda est via ut nec exuratur homo nec demergatur sic inter apicem superbise et voraginem desidise iter nostrum temperare debemus sicut scriptum est Non declinantes neque ad dexteram neque ad sinistram Sunt enim qui dum nimis timent ne quasi ad dex- teram rapti extollantur in sinistram lapsi demerguntur Et sunt rursus qui dum nimis se auferunt sinistra ne torpida Vacationist mollitie sorbeantur ex altera parte jactantia fastu corrupt atque consumti in favillam fununnque vanesc II -Eiturcjtfal autJ Pastoral £l colog1 State the general principles on which Form of Public Prayer should be framed with especial reference to the times of daily service and the recurrence of solemn seasons Give short account from Wheatley of the history and construction of the Tables for finding Easter Describe the construction and arrangement of Church in the Fourth Century What evidence is there of the existence of primitive type of Liturgy in the Apostolic age What are the elements com- 11 on to all the ancient Liturgies What concurrent causes tended to the general corruption of the primitive worship of the Church in the Fourth and following Centuries In what forms did that corruption principally show itself State distinctly the steps taken towards reformation of public worship in the reign of Henry the Eighth iive short account of the proceedings and result of the Hampton Court Conference The meaning and derivation of the following terms Legend-Acolyte Symbolum Liturgy- Litany-Narthex- Flentes-Energumeni-Competentes
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