Calendar: 1852-1853 Page 181
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military department 111 Section II The course of instruction will embrace- Divinity Lectures on some Book of the Holy Scriptures are delivered by the Chaplain every Wednesday There are also Examinations every alternate Saturday on the Lectures of the preceding fortnight and on Text-books chosen by the Principal The Text-books for the next Academical year will be "Nicholson on the Church Catechism for Second-year Students and Nicholls' Help to Reading the Bible "for First-year Students II General Knowledge with special attention to those branches which have bearing more or less direct upon the strictly professional studies III Direct Professional Studies The entire Course occupies two years during the whole of which Religious Instruction forms an essential part of the System The Students are classed as follows The Course for Students of the first year includes-Latin Mathematics History Ancient and Modern English Litera- ture and Composition Geography French or German Military Drawing Fortification For Students of the second year instruction of higher kind is continued in Latin Mathematics History Ancient Modern and Military English Literature French or Ger- man Military Surveying comprising the practical use of sur- veying instruments an actual sketch of ground Fortification and Castrametation Tactics comprising the composition armament and various functions of the three forces Fencing Instruction can also be obtained within the College in the other European and Oriental languages in Natural Phi- losophy Practical Mechanics Fencing Botany Mineralogy Geology and Chemistry but these do not form part of the regular Course Μ
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