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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1852-1853-121

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 117 obtained and the ground cleared before the end of April in the present year Thus in one very important matter the Committee are rejoiced to report favourably of their proceedings II -The Act of Parliament The Act of Parliament to which reference was made in the last Report received the lloyal Assent on the 7th of August 1851 By it ample powers have been obtained for procuring the necessary site for building and for investing the Burial Ground in the new Corporation Amongst other impor- tant clauses permission has been obtained to erect and endow Chapel in immediate connexion with the new building III -Plans eor the New Building This suhject for long time engaged the anxious attention of the Committee It will he remembered that in the last lleport it was stated that five Architects had been invited to send in competing plans These were received by the Committee on the appointed day and after being submitted to private exami- nation were publicly shown to all Subscribers for period of three weeks After giving the fullest investigation to each of these designs the Committee ultimately selected that of Thomas Bellamy Esq and this gentleman has since been appointed Architect to the new building IV -The Finances It will be remembered that in accordance with the conditions affixed to an anonymous donation of the whole sum proposed to be raised was thus divided viz Fund 20 000£ to he raised in amounts of 50CW and upwards and the money as paid to be invested in the names of Trustees and Dot spent until- Fund 20 000 had been raised in smaller sums Fund 10 000 £50 000 the sum required to be raised The Committee have much pleasure in making the following announcement respecting the state of these three Funds Fund £20 000"-of which £20 000 or the whole has been obtained Fund £20 000"- 10 275 has been obtained leaving deficiency of £9 724 19 Fund £10 000"- 000 000 Total promised £33 275 Amount required £16 724 19 Ii will he seen that during the past year little progress has been made in collecting the remainder of the mouey necessary for this work Scarcely more
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