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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1852-1853-119

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 115 been made 011 the resources of the Institution during the past year The Governors are aware that this Hospital has from its foundation been con- sitlered virtually free to an unlimited number of applicants at least as regards Out-patients and the Governors will doubtless be surprised to learn that tbere has been an increase in this class of patients during the past year of 14 At the same time that the deficiency of the funds of the Institution calls for the earnest co-operation of the Governors in augmenting its resources it is great consolation to feel assured that in proportion to the increase of expenditure has been under the blessing of Providence the benefit conferred on the poor and suffering of this populous district The Committee desire to record their sincere thanks for many liberal donations during the past year The Committee likewise have to announce the following legacies viz The late Thomas Harris Bradshaw Esq £200 The late Frederick Robinson Esq £100 The Committee sincerely regret that the donations and subscriptions of the past year fall short of some previous years The Committee gratefully acknowledge the services rendered by those clergymen who have advocated the claims of the Institution and tbeir grati- tude is equally due to those who have kindly lent their pulpits for the benefit of the charity It Will be in the recollection of many of the Governors that the last Report referred to an Act of Parliament then in contemplation for incorporating the Hospital with King's College The Committee have much pleasure in inform- ing the Court that this Act of Parliament received the Eoyal Assent on the seventh day of August last The Committee feel quite sure that the Governors at large will join with them in the expression of satisfaction to know that by this Act the connexion of this Hospital with the College by which it was founded is now defined and completed By this Act of Incorpo- ration many privileges are bestowed on the Institution which it did not previously possess The Governors are no doubt aware that this Act of Parliament was necessary for the purpose of enabling the Committee to carry into effect the great object which they in conjunction with the Governors and Subscribers of the Institution have for so long time had at heart viz the erection of the new Hospital The Act of Incorporation has invested the Committee with all the necessary powers for carrying to completion this great and important undertaking and it is with much satisfaction that the Committee are enabled to assure the Court that rapid progress is being made towards laying the foundation-stone which it is expected will be done on the 16th of June next The Governors are doubtless aware that the Institution having become Corporate Body it was necessary that there should be common seal this has been provided by Mr Wyon Her Majesty's engraver and is placed in the custody of the Council of King's College according to the provisions of the Act of Parliament
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