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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1851-1852-328

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332 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT the two most important ones in state of purity and give their distinctive characters Whence is the principal supply of Ammonia obtained Describe the methods of preparing the Carbonate and Muriate of Ammonia What is Aqua Itegia Give the chemical changes which occur when it is heated To what uses is it applied Enumerate the Oxides of Nitrogen Give the methods υ" preparing the two which contain the smallest proportions of Oxygea VI -Qraimncj An outline drawing or drawings of the Train and striking part of common Dutch clock-the numbers of the train to be indicated but the teeth of the wheels need not be shown -to the full size of the original IV Jttr&ical Department SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP -2Tnatom1 Describe the mode of dissecting the Heart so as to dis- play to the best advantage the healthy or morbid condition of its different parts What are the relations of the male Urinary-bladder II -JJDiiuLagp Describe the Intestinal Mucous Membrane in man Describe the Vesicular Nervous Matter What are the subdivisions of the Encephalon Describe the Corpora Quadrigemina Describe the Cuticle under the form of epidermis nail and hair Explain how the spiral Sweat-duct is formed
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