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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1851-1852-294

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298 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Write short account of the so-called Liturgy of St James State what you know as to the date and authorship of the Te Deum and the Creed commonly called the Creed of St Athanasius Compare the words used in the administration of the Holy Communion as they are found in the two Prayer-Books of Edward VI and in that of Elizaheth What dogmatic tenden- cies are indicated in the successive alterations To what influ- ences may they severally he attributed What appears to you the fullest statement of the end of Preaching How far is that statement warranted by Sen' ture To what method of considering the work of preacher does it lead State briefly the general principles which would guide you in your homiletic treatment of our Lord's Miracles and Parables Compare the respective advantages and disadvantages of read and spoken Sermons III -3h1tnrtH1itiou to tl lOft Ccsitamcnt What is the nature of the argument derived from prophecy in proof of Divine revelation Exemplify this argument by the predictions of suffering Messiah State the principal prophecies respecting Babylon and Nineveh and show the fulfilment Show the importance of establishing the genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch Give an instance of Graves's argument State some of the evidence from those Psalms and Proverb ascribed by all parties to David and Solomon to prove the exis- tence and recognition of the Pentateuch Give examples of the prophets referring to the narrative of the Pentateuch
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