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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1851-1852-286

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Page content

290 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Old Testa ient History 12 Who were the Philistines What portion of the Holy Land did they occupy 13 Give an account of the Ammonites Moabites Edoinites their territory and especially of the later circumstances of their history 14 Give an account of the Kings of Syria and their inter- ference with the affairs of Israel 15 Mention the various Assyrian Invasions Give an account of the Kingdom of Babylon 17 Give an account of the hindrances in the way of building the second Temple and the means whereby they were removed 18 Give the dates of the cessation of the Government by Judges -the Rise and Fall of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel -the building of the second Temple -the end of the Old Testament History IV rabfsi 011 tl $entatcud State Graves's object and method generally Illustrate his argument derived from the simplicity of style and the impartiality of the author How does Graves's argument necessarily differ from that of Paley Give some of the undesigned coincidences which he refers to How does the account of the miracles in Deuteronomy differ from that of the preceding hooks Show that the reality of the miracles is indispensable to the consistency of the history How does Graves apply Leslie's rules about miracles State the argument from the theology and morality of the law Give an account of the penal laws and defend their necessity
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