Calendar: 1850-1851 Page 323
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APPLIED SCIENCES 319 show how to find the weight of the chain per foot at the lowest point Find the strain on the tie-beam of roof of given dimensions and form the beams being unequal and the tie-beam not fixed to the lowest points of the beam Describe Hadley's Sextant and explain the principle it depends upon 10 Explain the two adjustments of the horizon glass and how they are performed 11 Explain how the latitude may be found by means of Hadley's Sextant 12 Explain how the position of the meridian and the time of transit of star may be found by Hadley's Sextant 13 Show how to represent geometrically the relations between the colatitude zenith distance polar distance azimuth and hour angle II -iHtncratogi atftf &coIog1 Describe the crystalline form cleavage fracture hardness specific gravity and chemical composition of Quartz Felspar Calcareous spar and Sulphate of Barytes In what rocks are Zeolitic minerals found Describe the effect which acids have upon them Describe the effect which the blowpipe has upon them Write down the principal divisions of the Oolitic system in England mentioning as far as you know them the economic uses of the various strata Explain generally the mode of accumulation of mud depo- sits on coast or at river mouth Give some account of the Delta of the Rhine What are the chief mineral substances of which rock masses are composed Mention examples of different conditions of limestone rock explaining the difference between oolites chalk and marble Explain the nature and use of fossils
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