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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1850-1851-25

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annual report 1850 21 Whilst these were the numbers during the Lent Term taken alone the Council annex an account of the aggregate number of those who have attended the College during the year which has elapsed since the last General Court Matriculated Students Theological Department and the" Preparatory Class General Literature Department 190 Applied Sciences 66 Military Department 32 Medical Department 159 --534 Occasional Students Medical Department 37 Other Classes 83 120 The School Pupils 592 Making total of 1246 The Theological Department appears already to realize the expectations which led to its foundation Fifty-four Stu- dents in the space of two years have obtained the Principal's Certificate and most of them having received Holy Orders are now discharging their sacred functions in different Dio- ceses When it is remembered how large proportion of these well-trained men would but for the facilities afforded by the College have been lost to the ministry of the Church the importance of this branch of the Institution cannot be called in question It is satisfactory also to observe that the average supply of new Students is sufficient to fill up the vacancies occasioned by the departure of the Theological Associates The Preparatory Class established for the benefit of Candi- dates for entrance into the Theological Department is found to be extremely useful The training lasts for one or more terms according to the wants of individuals Some of those
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