Calendar: 1849-1850 Page 27
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annual report 18 49 and strictly professional system which is pursued in this Insti- tution appears judging from the experience of the Session just concluded to enjoy large share of public confidence The various new appointments and arrangements which were made luring the summer and autumn particularly the introduction as far as practicable of periodical examinations in writing according to which the students arc classified have given the utmost satisfaction The facilities for teaching within the College the Theatres the Museums and the Dissecting Rooms admirably arranged and ventilated are probably not excelled in any other similar Institution and it is the more to be re gretted that the accommodation in the Hospital is as yet comparatively so defective It will however be gratifying to all who have been watching the progress of this Depart- ment to learn that large and suitable portion of ground contiguous to the present building on which new Hospital may be built has been recently purchased and already affords some additional accommodation and there is now every reason to hope from the untiring zeal of the Committee of Governors who manage the affairs of the Hospital that new edifice will ere long be raised which shall in every way reflect honour upon the College Meanwhile it is satisfactory to know that the Medical Students attending the College and Hospital have the opportunity of seeing the treatment pursued by the different Professors in the Hospital on the large number of nearly 20 000 patients who yearly seek relief from this Charity The reports from the various Professors regarding the con- duct and attendance of the Medical Pupils have been with two or three exceptions most satisfactory Three Students who are Medical Scholars of King's College London have acquired high distinctions in the University of London during the past year The School continues to receive and to merit the same commendation as in former years-indeed Dr Major the Head Master whilst he is equally well satisfied with the good conduct of the pupils speaks in warm terms of their increased
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