Calendar: 1849-1850 Page 263
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 201 10 Give an account of the various interpretations of this prophecy confuting those that are false 11 Prove the true interpretation by the preceding and fol lowing chapters and by citations from the New Testament 12 Explain the old Testament doctrine of Atonement 13 What other prophecies announce suffering Messiah 14 What other prophecies foretel the conversion of the Gen- tiles and the unbelief of the Jewish people 15 Which of the Prophets announced the future destinies of Tyre Babylon and Edom 10 Give examples of predictions of far distant events that were well understood at the time when they were delivered VI -ShitrotJurtton to tljc 2rtu Ccstamrnt Explain the term ό Απόστολος as applied to portion of the New Testament and trace the process by which the terms canonical and apocryphal attained their present use Give sketch of the life of St Mark What are the characteristics of his Gospel Show that he had no intention of abridging St Matthew or St Luke What foreign elements do we find in the Greek of the New Testament Show that in its main features it observes gram- matical accuracy Distinguish between aaeXyeia and ασωτία-πτωχός and πένης-σνραν and iXuvetv Give sketch of the history of the Latin versions of the New Testament What authority does the Church of Rome claim for the Vulgate What is its true value Illustrate by examples these canons of scriptural interpreta- tion -a Theologia parabolica non est argumentativa β Ad obscuriores locutiones illustrandas de manifestioribus sumantur exempla
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