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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1849-1850-26

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21 annual report 1849 Service and it is thought probable that such Professorship may ultimately be made available for English Students with view to the same profession At all events it appeared desirable that such an addition should be made to the stall' of the College in reference to subject not generally under- stood and of first-rate importance to the relations in which nation like England stands to the rest of the world It is with great satisfaction that the Council report that the Professorship of the Law of Nations has been accepted by Travers Twiss Esq Fellow of University College Oxford and for live years Professor of Political Economy in that University It may be mentioned under the head of this Department although the foundation is intended for the benetit of all that the Council have instituted course of Lectures open with certain limitations to all Students of the College to be de- livered annually by Professor O'Brien in Natural Philosophy When the prominence now given to this and similar sub- jects both at the University and elsewhere is considered the value of this course of Lectures will be fully appreciated In the Department of the Applied SCIENCES the pro- gress of the Students continues satisfactory and though the numbers at present are fewer than at the corresponding period of last year yet there is no ground for supposing that the decrease is attributable to any other cause than the depres- sion which has atfected all such undertakings as call for the skill of an engineer The attainments of many Students who are still attending the classes give promise of future excel- lence while many of those who were formerly Student in this Department are occupying posts of responsibility and im- portance and by the ability they have displayed are acquiring solid reputation for themselves and bearing the most con- vincing testimony to the soundness of the system of education in which they were trained The Medical Department maintains the nourishing con- dition which it has enjoyed for many years and the Collegiate
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