Calendar: 1848-1849 Page 155
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Page content
THE SCHOOL 153 SECOND CLASS SCHOLARSHIPS Classical Scholarship- The first Sixteen Articles with Scripture proofs 1st and 2d Books of Samuel Sophocles Edipus Tyrannus Horace Epistles β II Histories of Greece and Rome Preliminary Examination -Euclid Book the first four rules of Algebra and Arithmetic Mathematical Scholarship -Divinity the same subjects as for the Classical Scholarship Euclid Books II III IV VI Algebra Preliminary Examination -Virgil Μη Book Homer II Book or Brasseur's Manuel des Ecoliers and Bernay's Historical Anthology THIRD CLASS SCHOLARSHIPS Scripture History Xcnophon Ilellen Β Virgil En Β VI Roman History FOURTH CLASS SCHOLARSHIPS Outlines of Sacred History Greek Testament St John ch i-x Ovid Fasti Β Grecian History FIFTH CLASS SCHOLARSHIPS The Gospel of St Luke and the Church Catechism Initia Grajca pp 1-20 Ovid Met Lib 1-450 English History SIXTH CLASS SCHOLARSHIP The Church Catechism with Sinclair's Questions Latin Grammar and Reader Mythology History of England from Henry VII Map of Europe
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