Calendar: 1848-1849 Page 147
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THE SCHOOL 143 German Languages Mathematics Arithmetic Writing His- tory Geography and English Literature and Drawing The progressive course of classical study is as follows Lower First Class Major Esq -Latin Grammar Reader and Exercises Upper First Class -Rev Smyth -Latin Reader &c Greek Grammar and Vocabulary Second Class Rev Hayes -Greek Grammar Initia Gricca Cornelius Nepos Ovid's Metamorphoses Jjower Third Class -Rev Cockayne Initia Greeca Caesar Ovid's Fasti Upper Third Class -Rev Hodgson Μ Α -Xenophon Greek Testament Caesar Ovid's Fasti Lower Fourth Class -T Carr Esq -Homer Xenophon Sallust Virgil Upper Fourth Class Rev Fearnlcy Homer Xenophon Cicero de Sencctute Virgil Fifth Class Rev Jos Edwards Homer Xenophon Euripides Horace Virgil Cicero Livy LowerSixth Class -Rev Thomas Markby -Greek Play Homer Herodotus Horace Virgil Livy Cicero &c Middle Sixth Class -Rev Wm Webster -Sophocles Demosthenes Herodotus Homer Horace Juvenal Livy Cicero &c Upper Sixth Class -Rev Major -Thucydides Plato Demosthenes yEsehylus Sophocles Horace Tacitus Cicero &c In every class except the Lower First French forms part of the course German is taught to the three senior classes Drawing is taught on Wednesday afternoon as part of the regular course to the five Senior Classes only Pupils from any Class may however be permitted to learn drawing after School hours on Saturday but on no account will any boy not being in one of the five Senior Classes be permitted to attend on Wednesday
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