Calendar: 1848-1849 Page 145
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THE SCHOOL 111 Section XXII REGULATION OE THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY The light Hon the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having been leased to direct that no person be admitted as an Assistant-Surgeon in the loyal Navy who shall not produce certificate from one of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of London Edinburgh or Dublin of his fitness for that office nor as Surgeon unless he shall produce diploma or certificate from one of the said Royal Colleges founded on an examination to be passsed subsequently to his appointment of Assistant-Surgeon as to the candidate fitness for the situation of Surgeon in the Navy and in every case the candidate producing sucli certificate or diploma shall also undergo further examination before the Director-General of 1110 Medical Department of the Navy touching his qualifi- cations in all the necessary branches and points of medicine and surgery for each of the steps in the Naval Medical Service the Inspector-General doth hereby signify for the information of those persons to whom it may relate that these regulations and directions will be strictly adhered to and further that previously to the admission of Assistant-Surgeons into the Navy it will be required that they produce proof of having received preliminary classical education and that they possess in particular competent knowledge of Latin also that they are of good moral character the certificate of which must be signed by the clergyman of the parish or by magistrate of the district That they have served an apprenticeship or have been engaged for not less than six months in Practical Pharmacy That their age be not less than twenty years nor more than twenty-four and that they are unmarried That they have actually attended hospital in London Edinburgh Dublin Glasgow or Aberdeen for two years subsequently to the age of eighteen in which the average number of patients is not less than 150 That they have been engaged in actual dissections of the human body twelve months the cer- tificate of which from the teacher must state the number of subjects or parts dissected by the candidate That they have attended lectures &c on the fol- lowing subjects at established schools of eminence by physicians or surgeons of the recognised Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in the United Kingdom for periods not less than hereinunder stated observing however that such lectures will not be admitted if the teacher shall lecture on more than one branch of science or if the lectures ou anatomy surgery and medicine be not attended during three distinct wiuter sessions of six months each
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