Calendar: 1848-1849 Page 143
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Μ EDICAL DEPARTMENT 139 Clinical Lectures of instruction in Practical Chemistry and Morbid Anatomy and of having dissected the whole of the human body once at least The above course of study may be extended over longer period than three Winter and two Summer Sessions provided the Lectures and Medical Tract ice are attended in the prescribed order and in the required Sessions Registration of Testimonials All testimonials must be given on printed Schedule with which students will be s11 licd at their first registration 111 London at this Hall The Lecturer himself fills up the blanks in the Schedule specifying the mode of attendance All Students are required personally to register the several classes for which they have taken tickets and those only will be considered as complying with the regulations of the Court whose names and classes in the Register correspond with their Schedules Tickets of admission to lectures and medical practice must be registered in the months of October and May but no ticket will be registered unless it be dated within seven days of the commencement of the Course and certificates of attendance must be registered in the months of April and August Due notice of the days and hours of such registrations will he given from time to time Examination Every person intending to offer himself for Examination must give notice in writing to the Clerk of the Society on or before the Monday previously to the day of Examination and must at the same time deposit all the required testi- monials at the ofiicc of the Beadle where attendance is given every day except Sunday from ten until four clock The Examination of the Candidate for certificate of qualification to practise as an Apothecary will be as follows In translating portions of the first four books of Celsus de Medicina and of the first twenty-three chapters of Gregory's Conspectus Medicina Theoretics in Physicians' Prescriptions and the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis -in Chemistry in Materia Medica and Therapeutics -in Botany -in Anatomy and Physiology j-in the Principles and Practice of Medicine Midwifery The Examination of the Candidate for certificate of qualification to act as Assistant to an Apothecary in compounding and dispensing medicines will be as follows In translating Physicians' Prescriptions and the Pharmacopoeia Londi- tiensis In Pharmacy and Materia Medica
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