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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1848-1849-139

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 35 University of having hecn engaged during five years in the practice of his pro- fession One year of attendance on Clinical or Practical Medicine or two years of Practice dispensed with in the case of those who at the second Examination have been placed in the Pirst Division Of Moral Character signed by two persons Candidates shall he examined in the following subjects -Elements of Intel- lectaal Philosophy Logic and Moral Philosophy Medicine and shall write Commentary on some case in Medicine Surgery or Midwifery at their own option Amount of fee 10 The most distinguished Candidate receives gold medal of 20 value medal of the value of 10Λ is given to the author of the best Commentary on the case in Surgery the case in Medicine the case in Midwifery and to the writer of the best Thesis on subject of his own choice Section XVIII royal college of physicians Every Candidate for Diploma in Medicine upon presenting himself for examination shall produce satisfactory evidence of unimpeaclied moral cha- meter of having completed the twenty-sixth year of his age of having devoted himself for five years at least to the study of Medicine The course of study thus ordered by the College comprises Anatomy and Physiology the Theory and Practice of Physic Forensic Medicine Materia Medica and Botany and the principles of Midwifery and Surgery With regard to practical medicine the College considers it essential that each Candidate shall have diligently attended for three entire years the Phy- sicians' practice of some general Hospital in Great Britain or Ireland contain ing at least one hundred beds and having regular establishment of Phy- sicians as well as Surgeons Candidates who have been educated abroad will be required to show that in addition to the full course of study already specified they have diligently attended the Physicians' practice in some general Hospital in this country for at least twelve months Candidates who have already been engaged in practice and have attained the age of forty years but have not passed through the complete course of study above described may be admitted to examination upon presenting to the Censors5 Board such testimonials of character genend and professional as shall be satisfactory to the College The first Examination is in Anatomy and Physiology and is understood to comprise knowledge of such propositions in any of the physical sciences as have reference to the structure and functions of the human body
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