Calendar: 1848-1849 Page 127
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 12 Out-Patient Dressers There shall be six Out-Patient Dressers who shall serve three months under each surgeon Out-Patient Dressers shall be matriculated students who have attended diligently six months' surgical practice The examination of Out-Dressers shall be pass examination to consist of two divisions 1st viva voce principally in Anatomy '2d written principally Surgical in both cases having par- uticular reference to the nature of out-patient surgery No student failing in the first division shall be admitted to the second They shall all attend punctually on the days of the jsurgeon under whom they may be serving-two dressing patients in the surgery and one registering the patients under ן the direction of the surgeon or assistant-surgeon in attendance Γη-Pat icnt Dressers -There shall be four In-Paticnt Dressers who shall dress during six months Candidates for In-Patient Dresserships shall have served the office of Out-Patient Dresser for the full period of six months to the satisfaction of the surgeons The examination shall be pass examination and shall con- sist of viva voce and written examination-the former prin- cipally Anatomical the latter Surgical-having particular reference to the nature of in-patient surgery Candidates shall also take case or cases chosen by the surgeons from patients in the house at the time of examination In-Patient Dressers shall dress and register the cases ad- 11 mittcd into the Hospital under the direction of the surgeon or house surgeon and on the respective accident days of the surgeon under whom they may be serving the senior Dressers shall be in readiness to discharge the duties of House-surgeon lin the event of his absence from the Hospital In the absence of any In-Patient Dresser from illness the senior Out-Patient Dresser of the same surgeon shall be his substitute The Dressers both In and Out shall be selected from those ί Students who have passed the examination according to their ן priority of registration in the Hospital register House Surgeon -He shall be Member of the College of Surgeons and shall have served to the satisfaction of the
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