Calendar: 1848-1849 Page 113
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 109 prises the following Lectures of which the Terms are annexed Number Payment Sessional Courses Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical with Dissections £9 Physiology General and Morbid Anatomy Chemistry Botany Materia Medica Medicine Surgery Midwifery Forensic Medicine 57 15 Hospital attendance 31 10 89 Students however are recommended to take out Perpetual Ticket for Chemistry and for Materia Medica by paying the additional sum of £93 To this sum all parents are strongly recommended to add the amount of Fees payable for instruction by the Medical Tutor The Fees for perpetual admission to every course of instruc- tion given in this Department except the class of Analytical Chemistry and the Medical Tutor including the Hospital amount to £109 4s Payment of Fees may be made either in one sum upon Ma- triculation or in two equal sums the one at the commence- ment of the Winter Session October 2d and the other after the Christmas Vacation not later than the 21st January The following Fees must also be paid at the time of Matri- dilation Matriculation Fee £1 Library Fee Subscription to the Scholarship Fund Cap and Gown 10 Calendar £4 15 Medical officers of the Army and Navy both in the Queen's service and in that of the East India Company are admitted
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