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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1848-1849-105

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 101 While many of the Charities which abound in the Metropolis have had reason to complain of falling off in their income for the past year such lias not been the case with King's College Hospital on the contrary the Com- mittee have the gratification of being able to state that this is the first year since its establishment that the ordinary sources of income have supplied funds so nearly sufficient to meet its expenses as to leave deficiency of only the small sum of 46 135 lOd The number of Patients admitted into the Hospital- No previous year exhibits so large number as this an increase has also taken place in the number of Out-patients which amounts to 17 901 while in 1846 only 16 547 were registered Thus there lias been an increase in 1847 of 437 Patients as compared with 1846 notwithstanding this increase of the number of Patients and the high price of provisions during the greater part of the last year the expenditure lias been but little more than that of the preceding year and had the accounts been made up as those for the last year were to the 25th instead of the 31st December there would have been but little if any difference The Committee avail themselves of the opportunity of recording their grati- tude to their numerous Subscribers and such public bodies as have contributed to the support of the Hospital to those Clergymen who have kindly granted their pulpits for the advocacy of its claims and especially to the Kight Reverend the Lord Bishop of Oxford and others who have added to its funds so considerably by their appeals on its behalf The Committee feel bound in an especial manner to acknowledge their deep sense of gratitude to Sir Robert Peel Bart who acted as Chairman at the Anniversary Festival held by the kindness of the Master and Wardens of the Stationers5 Company in their Hall and by his exertions on that occasion so materially increased the Donations received The Committee have also the pleasure to announce that during the past year the permanent fund of the Hospital has been augmented by Legacy of 000 Consols transferred to the Trustees by the Executors of the late Miss Colyer and another of 50 by those of the late Ī¤ Praed Esq and they confidently hope that Providence will dispose many to add by similar bequests to the permanency of the Hospital The Committee feel they cannot too frequently remind the benevolent that the income of the Hospital from Subscriptions and Dividends together with During the past year was In the House 31st December 1846 253 106 Total Those in 1846 359 276
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