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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1847-1848-68

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58 APPLIED SCIENCES Attached to this Department is the MUSEUM OF KING GEORGE THE THIRD Curator Cock Esq Her Majesty the Queen having been graciously pleased to confer upon King's College the valuable Collection of Me- chanical Models and Philosophical Instruments formed by His Majesty King George the Third suitable room has been fitted up for its reception Extensive additions have been made to this Museum by the Council and by the donations of private individuals and the Calculating Machine of Mr Babbage has been deposited in it by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests The Museum is open to visitors every Saturday during Term from Ten to Four o'clock REGULATIONS RESPECTING STUDENTS The Students received into this Department are- Matriculated Students or those admitted to the regular and full prescribed course of study Each Candidate for Matri- culation must produce testimonial of good character from his last instructor and when admitted by the Principal must subscribe his name to Declaration that he will conform to aU the Rules and Regulations which may from time to time be prescribed for the good government of the College under the sanction and authority of the Council Matricu- lated Students wear cap and gown and alone have the privilege of contending for the Scholarships the Daniell Scholarship only excepted Occasional Students or those who enter to one or more particular Classes Every Class is open to such Students on payment of the specified amount of fees The general age for admission into this Department is Sixteen and no one under this age is received except by the special permission of the Principal
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